Happy festivities… and a good leap into 2016

Gleen is in Nederlands for a couple of month before coming back to Portugal.

Until then she wishes everybody nice festive days and a good leap into 2016.

Love is the sun shining in your heart, love is the light of your soul. Extend your light to all of life, to our planet and her heart and soul.


just for today

 A song for Maria :

way up , way up in the mountain garden I see Maria 

picking cherries and playing with her thirty cats .

I see Maria where she sat and where she liked to have a chat .

Her friends are missing her today because she went so far away .

But she can come and go with ease and share with us her precious peace .

Spain in May

Dear friends , looking forward to go to Spain to the Sierra Nevada , to give a Reikicourse in the Alpujarra Zen Center , our beautiful Jiko An : place of infinite compassion .

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Quando alguém está a sofrer torna-se natural tocar e deixar esta energia de cura fluir, agindo como veiculo do Reiki."